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Community Iftar! This evening our community Iftar was a huge success. We came together to break our fast, share delicious food, and celebrate the spirit of unity and kindness.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 11, 2025


Community Iftar! This evening we hosted our first community Iftar. What made it even more special was the contributions from the community. Working together in partnership is what makes our community so great!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 11, 2025


Sharing a story! 📚 We celebrated with the joy of buddy reading! Pairing up to, across the whole school, to share stories, explore new worlds, and inspire a love for reading!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 7, 2025


World Book Day! 📚 Everyone knows that we love Reading at HPASK. World Book Day was always going to be a highlight of the year. Yesterday, we had astronauts, Harry Potter and even The Gruffalo in school!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 7, 2025


Barry Loves HPASK! Barry Gardiner spoke about his passion for children getting a decent education. That’s what we believe in too - whatever the barriers! Barry loves South Kenton!! 💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 7, 2025


Barry Gardiner Visit! Today we were delighted to welcome to our school. We shared the phenomenal progress we have made since September and our exciting plans moving forward. He visited classrooms and spoke to the children about thier learning.— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 7, 2025


Energy Savers ⚡️ Following our Eco Committee mtg last week, the children have decided to set a target for a reduction in energy use this year. We are setting a target of 10%. This was shared with all pupils and staff in assembly today. Target set. Challenge accepted!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 3, 2025


Energy Savers ⚡️ Last week during class assemblies, each class discussed ways in which we could try and save energy across the school. These ideas were then collated and presented by the Eco Committee reps, from each class, at a meeting on Friday.— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 3, 2025


HPASK Iftar Celebration A date for your diary! Tuesday 11th March 2025 Tickets available, for HPASK families, via this link:— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 26, 2025


We love languages! 🌍 🗣️ Last week was International Mother Tongue Day. In assembly today, we explored all the different languages spoken at HPASK! Each class has been set the challenge to see how many different languages they can use to say their class name….— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 24, 2025


School Governors’ Awareness Day! A big thank you to our amazing school governors for their contribution to our community. We were lucky enough have a visit from Geoffrey, our Chair of Governors, today who spent time with the children to find out about life at HPASK!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 13, 2025


Chinese Dragon Dance Workshops 🐉 Today, Reception and Year 6 had an amazing time at our Chinese Dragon Dance workshop. They learned the art of teamwork, rhythm, and movement while celebrating Chinese culture in a vibrant and energetic way.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 11, 2025


Celtic Harmony Camp Last week, our Year 3 students had an unforgettable day at Celtic Harmony Camp, stepping into the Stone Age with hands-on activities like archery, shelter building, and warrior training!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 11, 2025


Board Games Afternoon 🎲 As part of our Community Champions focus for this month, we will be ending the half term with a board games afternoon. We are inviting all children to bring in their favourite board game or card game into school to play with their class!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


Local Area Walk! 🗺️ Last week, our Reception children enjoyed a lovely local area walk. They explored their community, spotting landmarks, and discovering new things.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


Chinese Dragon Dance Workshops 🐉 Today, Reception and Year 6 had an amazing time at our Chinese Dragon Dance workshop. They learned the art of teamwork, rhythm, and movement while celebrating Chinese culture in a vibrant and energetic way.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


Y1 Toys from the Past Workshop 🧸 Year 1 had a fantastic time in their ‘Toys from the Past’ workshop! They explored and played with old-fashioned toys, comparing them to modern ones. A great hands-on history lesson!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


Community Champions - February This month our Community Champions focus is: Mental Health and Wellbeing! We have been learning about to look after ourselves so we can realise our full potential and feel safe and secure.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


We love books!📚 Reading at HPASK is a top priority. We’ve been marking National Storytelling week by: 📚 talking about our favourite books 📚 making exciting plans for a new library 📚 having virtual visits from authors to talk about their work!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 6, 2025


Energy Savers ⚡️ Following their meeting last week, our Eco Committee has nominated Energy Monitors for every class. They will be responsible for ensuring energy is not wasted within their classroom.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () January 20, 2025

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“Science is magic that works.”

Kurt Vonnegut


Science is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

A scientist needs:

  • Determination.
  • Scientific and numerical skills.
  • Decisiveness.
  • A logical and independent mind.
  • Meticulous attention to detail and accuracy.
  • Excellent analytical skills.


Intent: Introduction, Vision and Philosophy

The purpose of this document is to clarify the how, why, and what of Science teaching at our Academy. This is to be used by staff to clarify expectations, highlight the resources that we have at our disposal, and to ensure that a high-quality Science curriculum is being taught to all. We want our children to be involved in an engaging curriculum that will build, develop and promote their knowledge. Science is about improving on the investigative and experimenting skills necessary to challenge ideas and theories.

Children need to be armed with the knowledge on which to build; the knowledge is a platform to springboard their own point of inquiry. We want our pupils not merely to be able to repeat facts and memorised knowledge. We want them to be driven on to question, ‘What next..?’ or ‘What if...?’ Science is also a practical way of finding reliable answers to questions we may ask about the world around us through experimental testing of ideas. Science in our school is about developing children’s ideas through their own curiosity and questioning.


The order in which we have chosen to teach the units in science has been agreed in conjunction with our science specialists working in the Harris Federation secondary schools. They have used their subject specific expertise to outline a suggested progression of learning. For example, it is important children know the properties of materials before moving on the learn about changes in materials. Likewise, learning about animals and plants before habitats allows children to build on prior knowledge. Some units have been placed in particular half terms due to seasonality, plants for example- learning about plants in the spring and summer terms allows children to grow their own plants. The plants will grow more quickly in the warmer weather, meaning experiments can produce meaningful results.

What does Science look like?


Science builds on the Early Learning Goals for Understanding the World within the EYFS.

In Key Stage One, pupils receive 1 ½ hours of science each week. Pupils observe, explore and ask questions about living things, materials and the world around them. They begin to work together to collect evidence to help them answer questions, find patterns, classify and group objects, research using a variety of sources and carry out fair testing. Pupils use reference materials to find out more about scientific ideas. They share their ideas and communicate them using scientific language, drawings, charts and tables. Pupils may use the outdoor areas in their science learning especially during Forest School sessions.

In Key Stage Two, pupils receive 2 hours of science each week. Children are encouraged to extend the scientific questions that they ask about the world around them. Pupils carry out a range of scientific enquiries including: observations over time, pattern seeking, classifying, grouping and researching using other sources (including computing resources). Children in Key Stage Two learn to plan science investigations by only changing one variable to make it a fair test.

Pupils’ books have a unit cover (outlining the science content they will be learning in that unit and in which order) and a knowledge organiser to show the key learning that will take place in the unit. Science will follow a coherent curriculum programme which gives full coverage of the National Curriculum programmes of study for Science 2014 to ensure progression and continuity throughout the school. Lesson planning and resourcing have been produced by the Harris Federation science consultant alongside the curriculum planning.


Typical Lesson

Each lesson will show a double page of work. On the left, pupils will record through diagrams, tables, charts or photos of practical work (evidence of working scientifically), and on the right children will record their knowledge through their written work. At the end of the lesson, pupils are given the opportunity to show their understanding by raising their own questions (recorded in their books alongside a question sticker). Teachers mark within the lesson to inform AfL and to provide immediate feedback for pupils.

Evidence and Assessment
In KS1 and KS2, the National Curriculum sets out the science content and working scientifically statements that pupils are expected to achieve. Formative assessment is the basis for assessment in Science. Science work, where appropriate, will be recorded in science books; evidence will also be photographic. This information can then be used against the assessment strands, at the back of each pupil’s book, based on observations of activities and work. Topics will often end with a summative assessment to review the learning.

The Science Co-ordinator is responsible for monitoring the standard of the children’s work and the quality of teaching in Science. Monitoring will take place in the form of book looks and learning walks. Feedback will be given to teachers informally (1:1 verbal feedback) or formally (written).  A clear focus will be given on checking that the planning matches the delivery as well as ensuring that there is evidence of progression in both knowledge and skills.  There should also be evidence that knowledge and skills are also being applied within investigative work to show a deeper understanding.