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Community Iftar! This evening our community Iftar was a huge success. We came together to break our fast, share delicious food, and celebrate the spirit of unity and kindness.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 11, 2025


Community Iftar! This evening we hosted our first community Iftar. What made it even more special was the contributions from the community. Working together in partnership is what makes our community so great!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 11, 2025


Sharing a story! 📚 We celebrated with the joy of buddy reading! Pairing up to, across the whole school, to share stories, explore new worlds, and inspire a love for reading!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 7, 2025


World Book Day! 📚 Everyone knows that we love Reading at HPASK. World Book Day was always going to be a highlight of the year. Yesterday, we had astronauts, Harry Potter and even The Gruffalo in school!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 7, 2025


Barry Loves HPASK! Barry Gardiner spoke about his passion for children getting a decent education. That’s what we believe in too - whatever the barriers! Barry loves South Kenton!! 💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 7, 2025


Barry Gardiner Visit! Today we were delighted to welcome to our school. We shared the phenomenal progress we have made since September and our exciting plans moving forward. He visited classrooms and spoke to the children about thier learning.— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 7, 2025


Energy Savers ⚡️ Following our Eco Committee mtg last week, the children have decided to set a target for a reduction in energy use this year. We are setting a target of 10%. This was shared with all pupils and staff in assembly today. Target set. Challenge accepted!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 3, 2025


Energy Savers ⚡️ Last week during class assemblies, each class discussed ways in which we could try and save energy across the school. These ideas were then collated and presented by the Eco Committee reps, from each class, at a meeting on Friday.— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () March 3, 2025


HPASK Iftar Celebration A date for your diary! Tuesday 11th March 2025 Tickets available, for HPASK families, via this link:— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 26, 2025


We love languages! 🌍 🗣️ Last week was International Mother Tongue Day. In assembly today, we explored all the different languages spoken at HPASK! Each class has been set the challenge to see how many different languages they can use to say their class name….— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 24, 2025


School Governors’ Awareness Day! A big thank you to our amazing school governors for their contribution to our community. We were lucky enough have a visit from Geoffrey, our Chair of Governors, today who spent time with the children to find out about life at HPASK!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 13, 2025


Chinese Dragon Dance Workshops 🐉 Today, Reception and Year 6 had an amazing time at our Chinese Dragon Dance workshop. They learned the art of teamwork, rhythm, and movement while celebrating Chinese culture in a vibrant and energetic way.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 11, 2025


Celtic Harmony Camp Last week, our Year 3 students had an unforgettable day at Celtic Harmony Camp, stepping into the Stone Age with hands-on activities like archery, shelter building, and warrior training!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 11, 2025


Board Games Afternoon 🎲 As part of our Community Champions focus for this month, we will be ending the half term with a board games afternoon. We are inviting all children to bring in their favourite board game or card game into school to play with their class!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


Local Area Walk! 🗺️ Last week, our Reception children enjoyed a lovely local area walk. They explored their community, spotting landmarks, and discovering new things.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


Chinese Dragon Dance Workshops 🐉 Today, Reception and Year 6 had an amazing time at our Chinese Dragon Dance workshop. They learned the art of teamwork, rhythm, and movement while celebrating Chinese culture in a vibrant and energetic way.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


Y1 Toys from the Past Workshop 🧸 Year 1 had a fantastic time in their ‘Toys from the Past’ workshop! They explored and played with old-fashioned toys, comparing them to modern ones. A great hands-on history lesson!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


Community Champions - February This month our Community Champions focus is: Mental Health and Wellbeing! We have been learning about to look after ourselves so we can realise our full potential and feel safe and secure.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 10, 2025


We love books!📚 Reading at HPASK is a top priority. We’ve been marking National Storytelling week by: 📚 talking about our favourite books 📚 making exciting plans for a new library 📚 having virtual visits from authors to talk about their work!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () February 6, 2025


Energy Savers ⚡️ Following their meeting last week, our Eco Committee has nominated Energy Monitors for every class. They will be responsible for ensuring energy is not wasted within their classroom.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () January 20, 2025

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Physical Education

Intent: Introduction, Vision and Philosophy

At South Kenton, we place value on teaching Physical Education because we recognise it is the only subject whose primary focus is on the body.  It uniquely addresses the physical development of our children and makes a major contribution to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

In the EYFS, PE helps the children to learn about their bodies, develop gross motor skills and to discover the effects that physical activity has on their bodies. At South Kenton, EYFS children participate in games which develop key skills such as throwing and catching. Many of the activities require the children to take turns or to work as a team which supports the children in developing positive attitudes towards sharing, co-operation and competition.

It is necessary that the children engage in physical education and acquire key skills from the EYFS, as it develops overall body strength, co-ordination, balance, and agility needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines including dance, gymnastics, sport, and swimming taught in Key Stage 1 and 2. Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Invasion games (multi-sports at KS1) and Swimming, form the core activities of the PE Curriculum in KS1 and 2.

We believe that at a time when there are growing health concerns over children nationally, we should inspire our children to become healthy, active learners.  Our curriculum aims to be the springboard towards a physically active life by introducing children to different sports and movements.  Moreover, P.E enables children to develop teamwork, leadership and resilience in an alternative setting to the classroom.


We recognise that children join us with different physical abilities, and ensure that everyone is catered for.  This means providing all children with at two hours of PE a week, as well as other sporting opportunities (in after school clubs, lunchtime clubs, or through competitions) for those that want to pursue particular sports or events. 

Physical Education teaches the key elements of the National Curriculum and allows for them to be applied in a practical context. Our teachers deliver PE using a consistent formula which enables children to succeed, but more importantly, understand the value of this success. Teachers are given CPD training and are supported by expert coaches and can team teach with the PE coordinator.   

Children who meet the National Curriculum objectives by demonstrating aptitude in skill, competitiveness, fairness and respect are chosen to represent the school at cross-school events. Pupils are provided with swimming lessons to ensure they are taught the vital life skills of becoming proficient swimmers with an understanding of water safety.

It might look like:

Warm Up (Activate)

Main Lesson (Acquire)

Competition/Conditioned game (Apply)

Cool Down (Assess)

The Learning Question can be introduced in the classroom or outside, and must be accessible by all learners.  The warm up should be linked to the learning question so that children link the theoretical with the practical. (E.G if the LQ is ‘How can I dribble a football’, the warm up should involve pretending to dribble a football or having a ball at their feet.)

Building on the theme of the warm up, introduce games and activities that allow children to develop the skill. A useful model is to


-Model the outcome, focusing on one teaching point at a time

- Allow children demonstrating best practice to model

- Allow children to address misconceptions by asking them to reflect upon their own performance and others.

Allow children to implement their new skill under pressure, either using an opponent or time.  The use of an opponent should be judged on ability – EYFS/KS1 children may respond better to completing games against the clock.

Children use the cool down to assess their application of the task. 


(In the example of dribbling a football, the children could walk around a coned area with a ball at their feet, thinking about how much more difficult it is with their other foot.)


Children who hit the national curriculum objectives by demonstrating aptitude in skill, competitiveness, fairness and respect are chosen to represent the school at cross-school events. Swimming is also taught, using local swimming pools.


Our teachers make formative assessments throughout the year, and records children’s progress in the form of a video; the is a record of the learning that has taken place in that unit, demonstrating the progression through the school. Every child’s progress is measured against the National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2, which is fed back to parents at the end of the year.